308 Quiz Review Oxygen and the Human Body

Am J Claret Res. 2019; 9(ane): one–fourteen.

Published online 2019 Feb 15.

Partial pressure of oxygen in the human body: a general review

Esteban Ortiz-Prado

1 OneHealth Research Group, Universidad De Las Americas, Quito, Ecuador,

2 Physiology Department, Department of Jail cell Biology, Physiology and Immunology, Universitat de Barcelona, Barcelona, Spain,

Jeff F Dunn

3 Cumming Schoolhouse of Medicine, University of Calgary, Calgary, Canada,

Jorge Vasconez

1 OneHealth Research Grouping, Universidad De Las Americas, Quito, Ecuador,

Diana Castillo

i OneHealth Research Group, Universidad De Las Americas, Quito, Ecuador,

Ginés Viscor

ii Physiology Section, Department of Prison cell Biology, Physiology and Immunology, Universitat de Barcelona, Barcelona, Kingdom of spain,

Received 2018 Nov 26; Accustomed 2018 Dec 23.


The human trunk is a highly aerobic organism, in which information technology is necessary to match oxygen supply at tissue levels to the metabolic demands. Forth metazoan evolution, an exquisite command developed because although oxygen is required equally the final acceptor of electron respiratory chain, an excessive level could be potentially harmful. Understanding the part of the main factors affecting oxygen availability, such equally the slope of pressure of oxygen during normal conditions, and during hypoxia is an important point. Several factors such as anaesthesia, hypoxia, and stress affect the regulation of the atmospheric, alveolar, arterial, capillary and tissue partial pressure of oxygen (POtwo). Our objective is to offer to the reader a summarized and practical appraisal of the mechanisms related to the oxygen's supply within the human body, including a facilitated clarification of the slope of pressure level from the atmosphere to the cells. This review likewise included the well-nigh relevant measuring methods of PO2 equally well as a applied overview of its reference values in several tissues.

Keywords: Hypoxia, slope of pressure, force per unit area of oxygen, altitude acclimation, barometric pressure level


The human body is a highly aerobic organism that consumes oxygen according to its metabolic demand [ane]. During aerobic respiration the presence of oxygen in addition to pyruvate, produces adenosine triphosphate (ATP), thus yielding free energy to the entire organism [ii]. To maintain homeostasis, the amount of oxygen within the tissues should reply to a gradient of pressure that pushes oxygen by diffusion throughout the membranes into the tissues [3]. The amount of dissolved oxygen within the tissues and the cells depends on several factors including: barometric pressure (BP), climatological conditions (temperature, relative humidity, latitude, altitude), likewise as physiological, pathological, and physical-chemical processes inside the organism itself [4,5].

The limerick of gases inside the troposphere is constant at approximately the following ratio: 78.08% nitrogen, 20.95% oxygen, 0.93% argon and finally less than 0.038% for carbon dioxide and other gases [vi].

Dalton'south police force establishes that within a combination of any given gases, the full pressure level is the aforementioned as the sum of the fractional pressures of each individual gas nowadays in that mixture [seven]. Thus, the fractional pressure of oxygen (PO2) depends mainly on the atmosphere's barometric pressure (BP) and its fractional concentration [8]. Geographical altitude is an important gene affecting BP, because as distance increases, the amount of gas molecules in the air decreases, then the air becomes less dense than at sea level. At sea level BP is virtually 760 mmHg, although can exist affected non only by distance: latitude, humidity, temperature and even the flavor of the twelvemonth may also affect BP [ix,10]. This changes are normally local, consequently, short-term temporal (time scale of minutes, hours, days and weeks) variations in BP in a same location usually range around 5-15 mmHg [9].

Partial pressure of oxygen

Within the troposphere (everyman region of the atmosphere), POii depends on several variables, but mainly on barometric pressure (Effigy 1) [four]. Under physiological conditions, this relationship will be afflicted past any change in elevation or by modifying the fraction of inspired oxygen (FiO2) under controlled circumstances [3,11,12].

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Relationship betwixt summit and Barometric Pressure (filled circles) and Atmospheric Partial Pressure of Oxygen (hollow circles). *Calculations were based on the standard atmosphere and were done by the authors.

Atmospheric partial pressure of oxygen (AtmPO2)

Humans depend on oxygen for survival, and this gas is caused from the atmosphere where the partial pressure of oxygen (AtmPO2) inside the troposphere depends on BP according to the Dalton's Law [thirteen]:

AtmPO2 = 0.21 · 760 mmHg = 159 mmHg

Humans are constantly exposed to changes in BP, either artificially or naturally, thus, pressure level of inspired oxygen (as well as the other gasses) its inversely proportional reduced among those exposed to hypobaric or normobaric hypoxia [3,14] (Effigy 1).

Alveolar fractional pressure level of oxygen (PAO2)

Once air is warmed and humidified in the nose and upper respiratory tract, the pressure level of oxygen decreases while concentration of HtwoO increases, thus altering effective PO2 in this gas mixture. Therefore, oxygen fractional pressure inside the upper airway is noted inspired PO2 (PiO2) [15]. The reduction of pressure of oxygen is caused past the addition of water vapour (humidification) to the entire mixture of gases, thus reducing the force per unit area of the other gases [four]. The pressure of h2o vapour is constant at 47 mmHg at normal body temperature (37°C), and it is strongly temperature dependent [11]. This results in an effective reduction at the alveolar level in the partial pressure of oxygen (PAO2) from 159 to 149 mmHg that is non likely to be physiologically relevant at sea level, because but represents about 6% of the total AtmPO2 [16]. All the same, when the BP is already low, such as at the summit of Mount Everest (altitude viii,848 m), a reduction of 47 mmHg (the water vapour pressure) represents well-nigh 20% of the available AtmPOtwo, making this reduction life threatening [17,xviii].

Moreover, once the inspired air has been humidified, in that location is an additional reduction in PO2 from the trachea to the air sac, due to the dead space and the mixing of inspired and expired gases [19]. This fall in the pressure of oxygen from the upper airways to the alveolus is nigh all accounted for past the alveolar pressure of carbon dioxide (PACOtwo) [ten,twenty]. Since inspired PCO2 is cipher and the PACO2 is unremarkably in the range of 40 mmHg, the partial pressure level of oxygen must fall [21].

When oxygen is transported into the venous pulmonary capillary, an important gradient of pressure from the upcoming arterial blood pushes the COii out to the alveoli [22].

The alveolar partial pressure level of oxygen (PAO2) in the alveoli-capillary bulwark at sea level is calculated based on the fraction of inspired oxygen (FiO2). At to the lowest degree in the troposphere, air contains a standard xx.95% of oxygen, thus the in order to judge the alveolar PO2 the following equation is used:

PAO2 = FiOtwo (Atomic number 82-47) - ane/R (PACOii)

Where R is the respiratory exchange ratio and equals 0.8 most of the time and the 47 represent to the water vapour pressure at normal body temperature (37°) [4].

Arterial partial pressure level of oxygen (PaO2)

Once in the lungs, oxygen diffuses across the alveolar-capillary barrier from the alveoli into the arterial circulation. The initial diffusion gradient of pressures in the microcirculation arises when arterial partial pressure of oxygen (PaO2) with a higher pressure level is mixed with the pressure of oxygen within the veins (PVO2) [23].

The rate of oxygen diffusion across the alveoli-capillary membrane in addition to a faster and easier emptying of COtwo, assures that capillary PaO2 is almost equal to the alveolar PAO2 and during normal conditions (at body of water level) it correspond to 75 to 100 mmHg [24].

At sea level, during normal atmospheric condition, the partial force per unit area of oxygen in the arteries is high enough to satisfy the oxygen demands for the entire organism [ten]. However, during high altitude exposure (hypobaric hypoxia), as barometric pressure descends, the pressure of oxygen in the arterial circulation is inversely proportion reduced [25,26]. This reduction attributes to the significant reduction in AtmPOtwo and determines the actual pressure of oxygen available for tissue and cellular requirements [27,28] (Figure two).

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Arterial oxygen tension (PaO2) at different altitudes in humans according to the values given in several reports [3,four,12,17].

Tissue partial pressure of oxygen (PtO2)

Once oxygen has reached the arteries, the difference in pressures (slope of pressure) between the capillary to the cytosol of surrounding cells results in a steep diffusion gradient, the greatest in the torso reaching more than 42% [iv]. The boilerplate partial pressure level in the tissue is called the tissue partial force per unit area of oxygen (PtO2) [10].

The transport of oxygen from the atmosphere into the entire body is mediated by the rate diffusion equally well as the charge per unit of consumption betwixt physiological barriers [29]. Improvidence is based on the kinetic theory that encompasses the rapid move of molecules, causing a self-generated energy source to rapidly cross membranes [30]. Whereas convective ship refers to the heat transferred and energy-consuming combination of molecules to cause the motion of oxygen in the trachea and the bronchial tree with the surrounding alveoli-capillary apportionment [31]. The deviating ship is the passive movement of oxygen across several barriers, such equally the endothelium, the alveolus and the mitochondrial membrane [32]. The corporeality of diffusive oxygen movement depends on the gradient of partial pressure level of oxygen, the available surface surface area to improvidence, the permeability and thickness of diffusion barriers and the local metabolic demand [33,34].

Tissue partial pressure of oxygen (PtOii) is regulated by the blood flow, the availability of oxygen and the consumption rate from one region to another [3,24,35,36]. The Bohr result allows that hemoglobin releases more oxygen in response to the metabolic rate of that tissue in highly aerobic tissues [37]. For case, neurons and cardiac myocytes are largely aerobic and depend on the presence of oxygen for their survival, although some lactate can be produced within the encephalon, most of them depended on the metabolic rate of oxygen consumption [36,38]. Other cells, such equally the bladder myocytes or the skeletal myocytes are more tolerant to hypoxia, and are able to obtain energy without the presence of oxygen for longer periods of time than can neurons in the encephalon [10].

Intracellular partial pressure of oxygen

Once oxygen reaches the cells, the metabolic need must to be satisfied. The gradient of partial pressure of oxygen, from the extracellular space into the cell determines the availability of oxygen to the mitochondria [39,forty].

In highly aerobic cells, such equally the neurons, energy production depends largely on the availability of oxygen supplied to the mitochondria [41]. Within this organelle, a series of enzyme-catalysed chemical reactions occur, converting metabolites into carbon dioxide and water to generate a class of usable energy in the form of loftier free energy phosphates [42].

Although it has long been reported that the intracellular fractional pressure of oxygen (iPO2) drops effectually the oxygen-consuming organelle, the mitochondrion POtwo must be very small [39]. Various attempts to determine the slope of oxygen betwixt the mitochondria and the extracellular fluids have led to some incongruous results [40,43,44]. Reported values range from one blazon of prison cell to some other and ranges from below 1 mmHg measured by indirect methods to 1 to 10 mmHg by intracellular direct methods [45]. The classic insensitivity of mitochondrial respiration to local POtwo has been challenged recently by in vivo [46] and in vitro [47] studies, in which mitochondrial oxygen consumption is dependent on POtwo over the full physiological range.

Partial pressure of oxygen in unlike tissues

In one case the arteries bring O2 to the cells, the difference in pressure between the arterial vascular lumen and the tissue will cause that gases that are at higher pressures diffuse to those tissues with lower pressure, exchanging oxygen and carbon dioxide (COtwo) in both directions [29]. The average partial pressure level in the tissue along this diffusion slope is called the tissue partial pressure of oxygen (PtO2) and varies according with oxygen consumption, capillary density, metabolic charge per unit and blood catamenia [10,48].

While under normal circumstances alveolar POtwo is equal to 104 mmHg, the lungs will transfer this oxygen through the alveolar-capillary barrier, reaching the same PO2 (104 mmHg), yet, before reaching the left atria, the pulmonary shunt blood coming from the bronchial veins (40 mmHg) volition mix with blood from pulmonary veins, reaching the atria with an arterial PO2 of 95 mmHg. This is known equally "pulmonary venous admixture" [10,49].

From the aorta, the corporeality of oxygen that is released from the hemoglobin will depend upon the metabolic demands from that specific organ, that are usually matched to the arterial oxygen supply and vasomotor sensitivity [50].

In the following department we summarized the range of PO2 according to the type of tissue, describing in more depth those which accept more available data in humans. It is of import to bespeak out that due to the lack of studies in controlled environments, an specific range mean value is difficult to be provided, therefore, we state the reference value according to the lowest-highest range described (Table i).

Tabular array 1

References values of PtOtwo measurements using dissimilar techniques

PtOtwo (mmHg) Organ and Tissue Reference Methods Species
30-48 Encephalon Meixensberger [51], Hoffman [52], Ortiz-Prado [3] Positron emission tomography (PET) Human
And rats
104-108 Alveoulus Guyton [four] Polarographic measurements of tissue oxygen tension using gold microelectrodes Human
8 Peel epidermis Wang [35], Carreau [53] Microelectrodes Man
24 Dermal papillae
35.two Sub-papillary plexus
61.2 Small bowel Müller [54,55], Carreau [53] Electron paramagnetic resonance oximetry (EPR) Homo
57.half-dozen Big bowel Müller [54,55], Carreau [53] Electron paramagnetic resonance oximetry (EPR) Human
55.5 ± 21.three Liver Leary [56] Electron paramagnetic resonance oximetry (EPR) with Indian ink. Human being
72 ± xx Superficial cortex of the kidney Muller [57], Carreau [53] Phosphorescence lifetime technique Human
28.9 ± 3.iv Muscle fibers Beerthuizen [58], Carreau [53] Proton NMR spectra of myoglobin Human
29.6 ± 1.8
51.eight ± 14.5 Bone Marrow Carreau [53] The technique of aspiration in a syringe Human
34 ± i.half dozen Femur Bone Maurer [59] Technique of radioactive microspheres in interosseous claret samples and blood flow in the bone Man
71.four Mandibule
55 Suprarenal Gland Bloom [sixty] Phosphorescence lifetime technique Dogie
88 Ovaries Fraser [61] Clark electrode for pO2 Human
eighteen Umbilical Arteries Gluckman [62], Carreau [53] Umbilical cord blood gas Man
29.two Umbilical Vein Guyton [4], Gluckman [62], Carreau [53] Umbilical cord blood gas Human
xc ± five Arterial POtwo Mah and Cheng [twenty], Guyton [four] Gasometry Human
forty ± 5 Venous PO2 Mah and Cheng [20], Guyton [4] Gasometry Homo
48.2 ± 3.one Synovial Fluid Richman [63] Routine macroscopic and microscopic test Human
xxx.six ± 3.1 Cornea Bonanno [64] Oxygen sensitive dye, Pd-meso-tetra (4-carboxyphenyl) porphine, bound to bovine serum albumin, was incubated with contact lenses Human
22 The Center Bonanno [64] The T1 mapping method was practical Human

Fractional pressure of oxygen in the brain

The encephalon is an organ with 1 of the highest oxygen and glucose requirements, although information technology is not able to store metabolic products for further use, its blood supply is highly dependent of vasoactive substances, arterial blood gases and metabolic demand allowing the availability of these nutrients [iii,65,66].

Changes in tissue brain Partial Pressure level of Oxygen depends on the cognitive metabolic charge per unit (CMR), the local cerebral blood flow (CBF) and the systemic exposure of hypoxia [3,36,67,68]. Brain PtOii can change due to several factors similar CMR, hypoxia, exercise, angiogenesis, stress and Anesthesia [3]. In general and because that humans are in constant activity and many cofounders cannot exist controlled, the available evidence propose that cortical PtOii ranges from 20-25 mmHg in residuum and low altitude and attain up to 48 mmHg in high altitudes or intense physical activity [51,52,69].

Partial pressure level of oxygen in the liver

The liver receives more than 6% of the cardiac output per minute and more than than 26% of the cardiac output when considering the portal venous system [10]. This organ seems to be highly oxygenated, however, during sympathetic vascular tone changes, anesthesia, restraining and also depending of the method of measurement, liver tissue POii fluctuates [56]. The liver can survive with less than 60% of the total liver blood supply due to sympathetic electric nervus stimulation, resulting in an important reduction of tissue PO2, all the same under normal weather condition the very few reports bachelor in humans refer that POii ranges from 50-55 mmHg [56,seventy].

Partial pressure of oxygen in skeletal muscle

The musculus is a highly constructive oxygen consuming tissue that responds to blood catamenia requirements and oxygen availability [71]. The local tissue oxygenation of the skeletal muscle is highly variable, beingness skeletal muscle i of the virtually tolerant tissues to hypoxia and metabolic acidosis [72]. Tissue oxygenation level depends on the charge per unit of oxygen supply and the charge per unit of oxygen consumption per tissue [73]. The critical level in which the muscle will suffer ischemia has non been explored, nevertheless, muscle PO2 and its relationship with systemic factors such as sepsis and infections have been reported several times [58,74]. Because the reports bachelor, skeletal muscle oxygenation ranges from 7.v to 31 mmHg [74].

Partial force per unit area of oxygen in the skin

The pare is one of the most vasoactive tissue within the body, reacting strongly to sympathetic, thermic and metabolic changes [x]. At remainder and in neutral thermal atmospheric condition, less than 2% of the total cardiac output goes to the skin [75], however, fluctuations in skin blood flow are always occurring due to sympathomimetic variability [76]. The oxygen availability measured locally depends on the influence of the microcirculation and the skin PtO2 ranges according to the skin layers. The more external layer ranges from iii.2 to viii mmHg, the papillary dermis from 6.4 to 24 mmHg and below the subcutaneous fat, the skin PtOii ranges from 8 to 38 mmHg [53,75].

Methods to measure tissue fractional pressure of oxygen

Several methods have been used to measure out the availability of oxygen inside the tissues (PtOtwo). In Tabular array 2 we summarize the methods that are available nowadays with some technical specifications such every bit the mechanism of measurement, the site of data collection and minimum sample volume needed (Tabular array 2).

Tabular array two

Adapted from Harold Grand. Swartz; Jeff F. Dunn * Minimum Volume Sampled

Method Parameter measured Machinery of measurement Site of measurement *Volume sampled
Microelectrode pO2 Electric current generated by the electrolytic decomposition of dioxygen Interstitial volume in contact with the tip μl
Near infrared monitoring of haemoglobin and myoglobin Physiological parameter relative or accented changes in saturation Amount or fraction of haemoglobin (Hb) or myoglobin (Mb) and its relative oxygen saturation Location of the proteins. In the vascular organization by non-linear weighting of Hb related to vessel diameter. Idem in muscle for Mb. ml's
Near infrared monitoring or cytochromes Physiological parameter relative changes in cytochrome oxidation Redox land of cytochoromes Intracellular cytochromes 5 ml's
Phosphorescent and fluorescent methods based on redox states of intermediates Physiological parameter based on redox potential Ratio of reduced and oxidized states of redox couples Sites of the redox intermediates (usually intracellular) μl's
Phosphorescent and fluorescent methods based on quenching by oxygen Otwo Modify in lifetimes of the excited states Sites of the introduced probe molecules, intravascular or at a catheter tip μl's
NMR perfluorocarbon relaxation Otwo Result on relaxation rates of fluonne nuclei Sites of the introduced emulsion μl-ml'south
Substances that localize in hypoxic areas Physiological parameter Amount of textile that localizes in the tissue, related to perfusion and Otwo at fourth dimension of assistants Tissues where substances localize <10 μ in biopsy
EPR oximetry based on soluble materials pOtwo Effect on linewidth of EPR spectrum Sites of the particles (commonly interstitial) 100 μl
EPR oximetry based on soluble materials Otwo Upshot on linewidth of EPR spectrum or relaxation rates Sites of the soluble molecules (usually throughout the tissues) -ane ml
NMR spectroscopy Physiological parameter metabolic correlates with oxygen Concentrations of metabolites which change with oxidative status of cells Sites of metabolites -i ml
25 μl-ml's
Proton NMR spectra of myoglobin Physiological parameter relative or absolute change in oxymyoglobin Relative concentrations of deoxy and oxymyoglobin Musculus (myoglobin) -ane ml
NMR overhauser event Otwo Relaxation rates of protons that couple to gratis radicals Sites of the soluble free radicals (usually throughout the tissues) Potential resolution of MRI
NMR assuming consequence Physiological parameter Corporeality of deoxyhemoglobin in the voxels Vascular system with a non-uniform weighting to vascular diameters <0.2 ml

Qualitative methods to measure tissue PtOtwo

The most common qualitative methods bachelor to measure brain PtO2 include, but are not express, to positron emission tomography (PET), near-infrared spectroscopy (NIR) and magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) or nuclear magnetic resonance (NMR) [77,78].

Positron emission tomography (PET)

Positron emission tomography (PET) is an imaging technique that uses positron emitting isotopes which are injected into the tissue to provide a iii-dimensional image or picture of functional processes in the body [79]. The parameters used to measure brain oxygenation are based on the oxygen extraction fraction (OEF) or the cognitive metabolic rate for oxygen (CMROii). The use of PET in encephalon oxygenation studies has been reported several times, although its use is reduced in the clinical setting due to its high cost and technical complication [77,80].

About infrared spectroscopy (NIR)

Nigh infrared spectroscopy (NIR) is a technology based on low-cal absorption in the near infra-cherry-red spectrum (700-m nm) [81]. It is characterized for its ability to scatter through skin, bone and other tissues, thus detecting low resolution simply real time changes in regional hemoglobin content and rarely with brain cognitive perfusion [82,83].

Blood oxygenation level dependent MRI (BOLD MRI)

Oxyhemoglobin has diamagnetic properties whereas deoxyhemoglobin is a paramagnetic molecule [84]. These magnetic properties can be used as an endogenous source of dissimilarity to visualize tissue oxygenation [85-87]. This engineering science tin can be used to measure brain oxygenation based on the concept that changes in deoxyhemoglobin attune the MRI point intensity. For example, an increase in regional cerebral blood flow caused by neural activeness is accompanied by a local reduction in deoxyhemoglobin content [88].

Quantitative methods to measure brain PtO2

The physical and chemic characteristics of oxygen can exist measured according to its specific interaction with adamant oxygen-reactive molecules [89]. The measurement of tissue fractional force per unit area of oxygen (PtO2) is expressed in mmHg, kPa or Torr and is one of the master "direct" measurements of oxygenation in the tissue [77].

Polarographic microelectrodes

Molecules of oxygen are electron acceptors and this oxidative reaction can exist measured using microelectrodes [ninety]. This oxygen reduction reaction allows a betoken that creates a potential difference which is recorded by the electrode [91]. The utilise of this type of electrodes has allowed the measurement of brain PtOtwo during various conditions, including caput trauma, brain surgery, hypothermia and hibernation [92-96].

Electron paramagnetic resonance oximetry

Electron paramagnetic resonance oximetry (EPR) is a spectroscopic technique that detects chemic species that have unpaired electrons [97]. EPR oximetry is a relatively non-invasive method for monitoring tissue partial pressure of oxygen (PtOii) using paramagnetic oxygen sensitive materials including perchlorotriphenylmethyl molecules or lithium phthalocyanine (LiPc) crystals [85,97-100].

The cardinal mechanism of this technique is the detection of unpaired electron species which react with the implanted materials (i.e. LiPc crystals) [101]. The identification of these chemical species co-existing in the adamant paramagnetic spectrum can be observed and interpreted equally oxygen tensions [100,102-104].

The employ of EPR oximetry for the study of tissue oxygenation allows multiple measurements to be performed through the use of crystals that are highly sensitive to depression PtO2 [98]. The advantages of this method are stable calibration and relative unresponsiveness to changes in pH or redox reactions [104,105].

Mass spectrometry and brain PtO2 measurements

Mass spectrometry (MS) is a technique that go far possible to obtain analytical information of the molecular mass and its elemental composition of a sample or molecule [106]. For this information technology is necessary to ionize molecules using different techniques such every bit chromatographic separation in order to mensurate the mass to accuse ratio caused by external electric and magnetic fields [83,106].

Mass spectrometry is a complicated engineering to use, Atoms are very reactive and they have a short alive, thus, manipulation must be performed in a vacuum environment, with very low barometric pressures that ranges from ~ten-5 to 10-8 Torr [106]. These factors, plus the greater degree of invasively, and the response time and delay of mass spectrometers, make mass spectrometry less favourable every bit a method [83].

Fluorescence and phosphorescence-based probes

The optical methods of oxygen detection are based on the recognition of an atom or molecule which has been electronically excited by the absorption of a photon [3]. This excitation facilitates the transitions of a species from high excitation state or activation, to a ground or low excitation state, this molecular reaction involves the emission of a photon of light [iii].

Fiber optic optodes can exist used to measure out encephalon PtOtwo in awake and unanesthetized subjects, however its availability in human studies is limited. This technology is based on brusk pulses of calorie-free that are transmitted along a cobweb optic sensor, exciting the platinum (new version) or ruthenium (older version) based tip, producing a photon-molecular reaction that is quenched past the presence of oxygen [3,45,107,108].

One of the most important physiological advantages of this optical technique is that it is very sensitive during hypoxia [3]. This feature is clinically relevant when studying tumour growth which depends on oxygenation as well equally when studying ischemia or brain injuries [109]. Another important feature of this applied science is its insensitivity to magnetic fields. This technology allows us to measure brain PtO2 while applying simultaneously other exploration or imaging techniques, such equally MRI or EPR. This feature tin be used to validate 2 or more than methods [110].

The effects of acute and chronic hypoxia on Tissue PO2

The effects of hypoxia (acute or chronic) and the presence of oxygen deprivation in different tissues have been reported as early on as the 1950'south [111]. The hypoxic environment was imitation using unlike fractions of inspired oxygen (normobaric hypoxia) or by exposing the subject to lower barometric pressure level (hypobaric hypoxia), either past using low pressure chambers, or taking the field of study to high altitude [eight,112].

Although oxygen levels are disquisitional parameters in order to asses tissue survival, monitoring the level of oxygen at a tisular level remains a challenge [3,52,68,110]. Real time, in vivo measurements during acute inflammation, hypoxia or hyperoxia take been washed very few times and is not widely available [eighty].

Measuring tissue oxygenation during acute or chronic is a hard task, peculiarly due to the presence of cofounders like exercise, anesthesia, time of exposure or restraining the animal model [113,114]. In humans, acclimation to loftier altitude exposure or controlled normobaric hypoxia volition cause different readings in terms of PtO2 [68]. Adaption on the other hand will crusade differences between populations, making extrapolation a difficult chore [115]. Obtaining reference values in such conditions is very difficult due to the implications of such a challenge and the ethical limitations of these type of technologies in humans.


This practical review of the available literature about the gradient of pressure of oxygen revealed complex, varied and oft not conclusive results. Nosotros tried to summarize the most relevant information to present it every bit friendly as possible for educational purposes. A more profound analysis of cellular and molecular hypoxia and normoxia signalling nosotros recommend Keeley and Isle of mann review [116].

The usefulness of understanding the gradient of PO2 among healthcare providers is essential. Understanding how the slope of pressure works and how oxygen is delivered is related to an entire spectrum of clinical uses. Some of the about of import results come from athletes performance [117], forecasting bloodshed due to prevalent diseases [118], wound healing evaluation [119], treatment effectiveness in ulcers, burns, cancer or cerebral and cardio vascular disease [120-125].

In this sense, nosotros have exposed the physiological mechanisms, the methods for measuring and the pressures values reported in unlike organs from the atmosphere to the mitochondria. Tissue partial force per unit area of oxygen reflects a balance between arterial blood flow and tissue oxygen consumption rate [92]. Due to technical limitations and misreckoning factors such as anesthesia, inflammation, restraint and hypoxia, an appraisal of fractional force per unit area of oxygen during normal weather is very difficult. Withal, in vivo and clinical information available have been included to offering the reader a better perspective of how partial pressure of oxygen behaves within the homo torso.


The human body is a complex living organism, which has developed mechanisms to keep oxygen levels in a suitable level as to cover the metabolic demand, while avoiding excessive oxygen pressure.

The partial pressure of oxygen varies in the different structures of the organism. Each organ and tissue have its own requirements in lodge to correctly function. For example, the partial pressure level of oxygen in the lungs for carrying out the gas exchange is different from the partial pressure of oxygen inside the pulmonary tissue. We have emphasized that the organism has been able to develop physiological mechanisms that let it to answer to brusque-term and long-term changes non only of the oxygen partial pressure level, but also of the different gases in the temper. This fascinating response capacity is responsible of how the human body manages to office correctly when information technology finds itself in different climates and altitudes.


This report was funded past Universidad de Las Americas with academic purposes only.

Disclosure of conflict of interest



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Source: https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC6420699/

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